Worship service – Sun. May 10, 2020

Good morning. Thank you for joining us for our worship service for the 5th Sunday of Easter.

Our Gathering Hymn ELW #530  Here, O Lord, Your Servants Gather (Trevor Wagler, piano):

Here, O Lord, Your Servants Gather
Authors: Tokuo Yamaguchi
Japanese Gagaku mode
1 Here, O Lord, your servants gather,
hand we link with hand;
looking toward our Savior’s cross,
joined in love we stand.
As we seek the realm of God,
we unite to pray:
Jesus, Savior, guide our steps
for you are the way.

2 Many are the tongues we speak,
scattered are the lands;
yet our hearts are one in God,
one in love’s demands.
E’en in darkness hope appears,
calling age and youth;
Jesus, Teacher, swell with us,
for you are the truth.
3 Nature’s secrets open wide,
changes never cease;
where, O where, can weary souls
find the source of peace?
Unto all those sore distressed,
torn by endless strife,
Jesus, Healer, bring your balm,
for you are the life.
4 Grant, O God, an age renewed,
filled with deathless love;
help us as we work and pray.
Send us from above
truth and courage, faith and power
needed in our strife:
Jesus, Master, be our way,
be our truth our life.

Worship service by Pastor Leanne Darlington:

Paper version of Worship service

Hymns of the Day:   Because He Lives  by Caleb & Kelsey
I Know That My Redeemer Lives  composed by Samuel Medley

Closing Hymn: ELW #389  Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing (Trevor Wagler, piano):


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