Sunday, November 29, 2020
Worship Participants:
Pastor Leanne Darlington
Advent Litany Reading: Pam & Jess Bond
Reader: Chris Ehrat
Musician: Jane Thomas
Photo Credit: Anne Loeffler
Welcome to the 1st Sunday of Advent. Please take a moment to gather your Advent wreath if you have one, or a single candle to light during the Advent Litany Reading.
Click here to print the Worship Service or to follow along.
Bells, Advent Litany Reading, Welcome, Prayer of the Day:
Opening Hymn ELW#242 Awake! Awake, and Greet the New Morn:
Readings, Gospel, Sermon:
Hymn of the Day: Wait For The Lord
Prayers, Blessing, Dismissal:
Sending Hymn ELW #439 Soon, and Very Soon: