Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church is 100% reliant on donations from our members, from fundraising activities and from the generosity of our community supporters. Financial contributions are deeply appreciated and play an essential role in supporting the Church’s mission and future health.
There are several ways that you can make a financial contribution.
Send a cheque by mail:
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Philipsburg
3357 Erbs Road
Baden, ON
N3A 3M6
Send us an E-transfer. Please email us for more details.
Sign up for PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance): This is an automatic bank debit credited to your account on the 20th of every month. All you need to do is specify the amount and provide a void cheque. The amount can be changed or cancelled at any time. To register for PAR, please contact us by email.
Make an online donation: We accept online donations through CanadaHelps, a not-for-profit organization set up specifically for online giving to charitable organizations. You will receive a receipt immediately from CanadaHelps.
DONATE NOW through CanadaHelps
We thank you for considering a financial gift to us!